Are you trying to fit your goals into someone else's business plan?
The internet is full of gurus and experts who can show you this blueprint and that model that have generated them thousands, tens of thousands, even millions of dollars. And that is great...
.. for them!
I saw a quote recently,
'Don't follow in the footsteps of the masters, seek what they sought.'
I am inspired by many things and many people. But sometimes it can get a bit much and actually what was once inspiration can become intimidation.
In this day and age where ads and sponsored posts on social media are tailored to your interests you can become bombarded by your interests until they become overwhelming.
And you cannot be your best from a place of overwhelm.
So that is why I was drawn to the quote above. We set off being inspired by our masters and mentors, looking for them to show us the path to our shared goal. But in the age of 'information overload' it is easy to lose sight of which path we actually want to take.
There are a multitude of gurus out there ready to show you their path, usually drawing you in with promises of more money and more time, which is hugely tempting. But is that really why you went into business, or your particular business?
In my experience, money and lifestyle is a by-product or side effect of your business; there's a lot of hard work that comes before that.
Besides, it is likely not why you went into business in the first place.
There are certainly people whose focus is money however they will likely not be reading this post.
The reason that you went into business was to make a difference to your clients.
And that was the same reason your mentors and masters went into their businesses. Making a change for their clients was their ultimate purpose, and it is that focus that has driven and supported them to get to where they are now.
So don't follow their exact path, but do seek what they sought. Reach, impact, influence, change for your clients.
You are uniquely you and you can carve out your own path that is authentic to your values and motivation. My advice? Find someone who can help you to tap into what makes you different, and then make your own rules, with your purpose firmly in mind.
1. What is the change that you want to see in your clients?
2. What are you really good at?
3. Which of your core values are at play when you are at your best?
Now, I am not advocating that you set up your business without a method to make money, that's not a business, and there are plenty of people out there who are willing to pay you for your expertise. But there are a couple of real benefits that occur once you get really clear on your purpose for being in business beyond making money.
1. Your goals begin to magnetically pull you towards them
2. You begin to think bigger
3. When the noise gets too much, you have a solid, calm place to come back to
4. You carve your own path
5. You become more confident that you are doing the right things
If your inspiration has been feeling more like intimidation recently, take a step back and reconnect with you, and why you do what you do.
And if you need help with that, well that is my purpose! I won't promise you the earth, but I will show you what makes you special and unique.
Want to attract perfect clients to your business with the exact language that has them begging for your card?
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