Why Am I Unhappy? - 5 Reasons That Suck Joy From Your Life :

Adulthood can be a complicated, stressed-filled, anxiety ridden part of our lives. But does it have to be this way? If the question "Why Am I Unhappy" has ever crossed your mind, I've compiled 5 reasons that suck the joy from your life.

Meet Nicole. Nicole is disillusioned because of the life she's living. In fact, she doesn't know how to living any other way. She's unhappy and doesn't know why. Check the five reasons below and notice if there are any traces of yourself similar to Nicole's. You may discover you've been unknowingly sucking the joy from your life!

Reason #1: Not Being Focused

In today's super-hyped, noisy world, there are so many things clamoring for our attention. Lack of focus causes you to become confused. I like to refer to it as B.S.O. (bright shiny object) syndrome. This is because a confused mind always says, no! When you are confused, you lack focus which may contribute to your unhappiness.

Reason #2: Taking Things Personally

Nicole takes everything personally. This is a major cause of her unhappiness. Everyone's problems become her problems. She feels that when someone has a problem, that it's her problem, and as you guessed it, the unhappiness train speeds on to SadTown.

Reason #3: Not Seeing The World As It Is

Our friend Nicole sees the world as an unfriendly place. She doesn't realize that she really sees the world as SHE is, and not as the world really is. It's all a matter of perspective. If she could just shift her perspective, she would see that if she changes the way she looks at the world, the world she looks at changes.

Reason #4: Depending On Others For Your Happiness

Most women, not all, tend to look to others to supply their dose of happiness. They look to their family, friends, boyfriends, husbands, children and other people to make them happy. While it's nice to have the love and support of people around you to contribute to your happiness, you have to be ultimately responsible for your own happiness. Start imagining your possibilities and look for things to make YOU happy.

Reason #5: Being a Conformist

Earl Nightingale, who is considered the founder of the personal growth industry stated that the problem with most people today is - they conform. They want to be like everybody else. He says we don't think for ourselves. 

And Nicole fits this mold. She tries not to rock the boat, and be just like everyone else. No wonder she is unhappy. Everyone is unique and it's when we try to hide the very things that make us unique we become unhappy.

So there you have it - five reasons that can cause you unhappiness. Perhaps you saw a piece of yourself in Nicole. When you take life too seriously, it can make you downright miserable. By embracing one of the natural laws of the universe - the law of polarity, which states that everything has an opposite action, all that you need to do is reverse the five reasons listed above and start creating the life you deserve.

Michelle Greene is the founder of ElevateUp.com [http://www.ElevateUp.com] a website dedicated to building confidence [http://www.ElevateUp.com] in women so they can discover the Life Fuel to power and redesign their ideal lifestyle. Michelle invites you to register for her FREE lifestyle overhaul program - 'LiftOff! 7 Days to Redesign Your Lifestyle'.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Greene

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