Ten Ways To Make Your World Better :

1. Be kind and generous: In every moment of every day it is possible to change someone's life. Sometimes, it is as simple as just being kind. Whenever you have an opportunity to go the extra mile for someone - take it.

2. Be clear about what does and does not work for you: People cannot work with you if they do not know what you are all about. If you are always compromising yourself, you will not be as effective. Be honest and direct about what you are willing to take part in.

3. Be your full self: Holding back because you think that is what others want is not helpful to anyone. You would not be who you are if it was not needed. Expressing yourself authentically may cause waves at first, but in the end it will surround you with the people and circumstances that truly reflect your inner experience.

4. Let others be their full selves: The same goes for anyone else. If you think others need to be different, you are wrong. Let people be who they really are. If you don't like it, figure out how to work with it. One of the most generous and healthy things we can do is just let others be themselves.

5. Say thank you: People love to be appreciated. Let them know when you are grateful. When you do, you are more likely to keep receiving these positive things.

6. Look for ways to give back: Don't lose track of making a contribution. No matter where you find yourself in your life, you can give back in a way that helps others.

7. Tip well and tip often: If you have money -- and some might argue that this is true even if you don't have money -- make sure to support the people who Support the things you believe in: Purchase what you want to support. Spend your time doing what you want to support. Talk about the things you want to support. You get the picture?

8. Care for your health: It is hard to be our best selves when we are under the weather or treating our bodies badly. When we are not taking care of our physical self it spills over to the rest of our life and then to the others around us. Conversely, when you care for your body you not only are an inspiring example to others, you will have more energy to give back.

9. Really listen: Most people are not listened to enough. Pay attention to them and let them know they are important. When you really listen to others you increase your connection and consequently your appreciation of others.

10. Focus: Know what you want to create and how you can help others. Then do it. Most everything else is a waste of time.

Want more ways to make your life and the world around you change for the better? Visit my website http://www.katesiner.com. Better yet, write me directly at admin@katesiner.com and we can set up a time to talk about what next steps are right for you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Kate_Siner

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